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Security Guard Robot

A mini security guard robot that patrols the environment for unknown or wanted faces and warns human guards when one is found.

The security guard robot

The Security Guard Robot was my EL4126 Robotics course final project, taken during my bachelor's at Bandung Institute of Technology (2019). This robot is designed to patrol a predetermined route while performing face detection and recognition. The robot will then make noises and alert the human guards when any unknown face or a wanted face is detected.

The robot was developed using the Robot Operating System (ROS) framework, ran on a Raspberry Pi Model 3B+ alongside an STM32 microcontroller. The robot moves around on a holonomic three-wheeled platform. The face detection and recognition is done on footages captured by a Logitech webcam. The face detection is done using Haar cascades and the face within each bounding boxes is then recognized using Eigenfaces. All the computer vision programs is implemented with the help of the OpenCV library.

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